Tuesday, September 21, 2010

11: In which Shagnasty discovers saftey in muck.

I feel like i just did this yesterday... I like jerkfish and highfish. They're fun. Also, it's not water. It's a really thick but still liquidy mixture of mud and something else. Don't make fun of the fish's habitat, you speciest!
Dialogue because i don't know if you can read this:
Shagnasty: *slides open window* Oh, Thank Wstolg! *Climbs in window, pulling hat through behind him* Sorry, *gasp* predator chasing me...
Highfish: Noo Prooblemm Fuzzbaalll
Jerkfish(reading book) Forgive him, he's high.
Shagnasty: What IS this stuff?
Jerkfish: Home.

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