Wednesday, September 29, 2010

17: Geez, try and catch a taxi, amirite?

Poor Shagnasty, hiding in a trashcan covered in quicksand. Quick thinking though, eh?

Oi, I just realized that I missed a comic between like 10 and 11. Ooops. that'll get uploaded soon, i promise.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

16: In which Shagnasty sees cars.

Back on to the street! His tail doesn't look as dirty as it should.

I promise I'll start posting the dialouge again and going back to edit where I haven't in previous ones. I'm rushed and lazy. Sorry again it's not the best quality or the best art. And it's not very big to be able to tell what's going on.

Monday, September 27, 2010

15: In which Shagnasty gets ahead

I love going down stairs swinging like that. Also, the creeper has a dirty, dirty mouth.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

14: In which Jerkfish finally chuckles

So we finally got a laugh out of Jerkfish, if only at someone else's expense.

So, first off, I'm only twelve hours late and very sorry. On the other hand, I learned how to drive stickshift last night and DIDN'T stall out on the first try! Yay!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

13: He's still laughing

Yeah. Jerkfish is an apathetic jerk. "That way." Way to be a jerk. Also, everyone curses in their own language to keep this a family-friendly webcomic. Except when Shagnasty says "wstolg," which is what his species calls their deity.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

12: And we're rolling

Poor Shagnasty, ran into the door. But at least he made it. That frame always gave me trouble, making it clear enough what happened. I'm so very tired, going back to sleep.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

11: In which Shagnasty discovers saftey in muck.

I feel like i just did this yesterday... I like jerkfish and highfish. They're fun. Also, it's not water. It's a really thick but still liquidy mixture of mud and something else. Don't make fun of the fish's habitat, you speciest!
Dialogue because i don't know if you can read this:
Shagnasty: *slides open window* Oh, Thank Wstolg! *Climbs in window, pulling hat through behind him* Sorry, *gasp* predator chasing me...
Highfish: Noo Prooblemm Fuzzbaalll
Jerkfish(reading book) Forgive him, he's high.
Shagnasty: What IS this stuff?
Jerkfish: Home.

Monday, September 20, 2010

10: Going Down!

Ut-oh! Shagnasty really ticked him off!! And set him back at least a level! Run, buddy, run!

Please start recommending this comic to any other webcomic enthusiasts you know! I'm keeping a regular updating schedule now that i'm getting ahead on the weekends and even though it doesn't always end in a joke, I hope it's still good enough for a few seconds of your time every day. Also, comment so i know i'm not talking to the air! AND HOLY CRAP, DOUBLE DIGITS! (just wait 'til i hit triple!)

Friday, September 17, 2010

9: Swing and a Miss

AAAnd a swing and a miss. XD Also, if you can't tell, Shagnasty's unlatching the ladder from the fire escape. might upload an extra one tomorrow just because it's already inked and scanned. but no promises. I was kinda late tonight... sorry.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

8: Run, Shagnasty, Run!

LAST COMIC ON BAD PAPER!!! XD Also, I'm pretty sure I spelled shipping wrong. Yep. I did.

Creeper chases around a corner, snarling. chases over crates.
Shagnasty jumps from a dumpster to a fire escape ladder. Creeper crawls after him, saying "i'm right behind you, 'Nasty!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

5,6 &7: I owed y'all some.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated for two weeks. I'm getting ahead on the weekends now so it'll always be good. If anyone's reading this, comment on something when I don't upload and bother me about it if you know me IRL. What am I talking about, no one reads this. Siigh. ANYWAY. Disregard the text and stuff in teh background of the pictures- these were drawn on the back of school work. Sorry. Only one more picture before they're drawn on good paper.

Summaries for the visually impaired:

5:Tiah and Shagnasty ride escalator. Tiah eats chocolate. The creeper packs up his backpack, snickering. Shagnasty throws the wrapper away. Tiah: "Well, this is my class. Thanks for caring and all" Shagnasty: "Of course. You seem interesting. I wanted to get to know you better." Tiah:"yeah, you too."

6:Creeper creature stalks shagnasty for three shots: hides behind wall, trashcan and follows innocently. Shagnasty whistles.

7: Shagnasty sees creeper in reflection of hover-truck at stop sign on the corner and says "Oh, Shi---"