Friday, May 14, 2010

First comic, Second Post

So this is the ACTUAL first comic. I wrote it WAAAY after the actual storyline got started because my friends complained it was confusing without some explanation to where they were and why they were there.

For Derek and those who can't read my handwriting this much:
Dear Journal,
Oh my Wstolg! I got into the University of Earth! I get to go to such a melting pot of intelligence! I hear the main language there is English; I'm going to have to start writing this in <*INSERT RANDOM SYMBOLS HERE*> if it's going to stay unreadable! But i'm suddering in excitement thinking about learning about Earth instead of and in English!I'm gonna get to meet so many people from so many cultures and parts of the galaxy, and, if I'm lucky, I could be an ambassator to Earth! If the Universe Council and IPTO decides it's mature enough to join them. The UC is so... <*insert random symbols*> (small note scribbled: *remember to translate*) about new planets joining them! I think Earth could handle knowledge of "aliens" if we let them on it slowly enough! But I'm not at the university yet. I can't know that proper yet. Oh, Wstolg! I'm so excited!(double underlined) Hopefully I'll make friends and pass classes and not miss my friends and beautiful girl here too much. Oh jimakle, how is she gonna react to me going halfway across the universe?!

Teh fuzzball(in a baseball hat this time) is writing in a journal off to the side of the page, where we can read the journal. He flips the page, more text. Then he puts the journal to the side and hugs his legs, looking down and saying "Jimakle"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Second Comic, First Post

Hi there. Welcome to the University of Earth. I don't claim to have good art skills, I never said i was funny or trying to be, I might not update every day and I might even give up on this. But what I am is a storyteller. And, as usual, I have one to tell. And this is it. (actually, this is the second comic, I still have to fix the first one... but I'll put it up later, I swears.) All I ask is that you chill along for the ride and put up with me. Also, feel free to comment, whether it be art or storyline related.

Additional Info:
That's Tiah and Shagnasty. This comic was actually first sketched on the back of a test (stupid move- I never got it back) and redrawn on the back of a class syllabus. Tiah (pronounced tee-a) and Shagnasty were both random characters of mine that I doodled on German worksheets and things. Shagnasty's name was a nickname that my grandfather that died when I was two used to call all of his grandchildren. like "sweetie" or "sonny" or "hon" or "hey you there," but Shagnasty. And I think it fits him, the little shaggyfuzzball with a top hat that I've grown to love, and hope one day you will too.

Medium: Or for you non-art people, how I did it: pencil on the back of school work, scanned in and cleaned up on photoshop. That's what they'll all be, until further notice.

For my special blind friend: (I can't promise I'll do this every time) Fuzzball with a top hat stands next to alien who's slumped against a wall... or supposed to be. She has a horse's head, eel's body, bears ears, woman's legs and horses hooves... or something along those lines. Fuzzball says "Why the long face, Tiah?"