Monday, November 29, 2010

This webcomic is not dead.

I'm not updating anymore because only three people were reading it and only one of them complained when i stopped updating. When (which belongs to me now but has not been set up) is up and running then i shall start updating again- but only there. i'll post here when that starts updating so you don't have to constantly check. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

44: In which names are explained.

It's really cold in this house. And yes, this is really where her name came from.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

43: In which Shagnasty panics

I'm really behind at getting ahead. This is the most current comic I've inked. I'm usually at least a week ahead in inking and two or three weeks in drawing. I'm drawing at -maybe- Monday's comic.

Also, we are purchasing the new website when the money comes in from a promo deal. I'm five cents short with a minimum deposit of money I don't have. Life's a beach. But soon, my invisible, silent readers, soon.

Monday, November 8, 2010

42: In which Doston is scared.

Doston's feet looks weird. I can never draw them right.

So we might have the new site up by the end of the week... dunno how long it's actually gonna take.

Friday, November 5, 2010

41: In which they squee.

Sorry i fell asleep as I was uploading last night... Personally, I love that "squee"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

40: In which Gessi is shocked.

Hmm, i wonder what that could mean...

I'm tired. Did anyone see the time stamp on yesterday's post? yeah. G'night

39: In which I D'awww

The new site is being bought and set up this weekend. We're really excited. Sorry it's taken so long, but we're largely lazy and disorganized. Other than that, I can't think of anything else to tell my invisible audience of one. Also, I think they're a cute couple.

...Oh, and his pants are back to white. Sorry about that yesterday. ^_^

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

38: In which Tiah is ninja

Doston's pants inexplicably turned black... oops.

Monday, November 1, 2010

37: In which they are sad.

My laptop charger is two hours away and i can't get it until Friday. My desktop is SO slow and SO annoying but here's the comic anyway.