Early posting tonight because I'm tired and heading out of town in the early morning. I was promised free wifi so I shouldn't miss a post but if they lied I'll get my site-designer to post for me. And by the by, Doston isn't choking like you and I do. He got something stuck in his mouth basically but he can breathe fine. he breathes through his hair. I'll explain later. I'm tired.
So I totally realized that I gave y'all an extra comic on Saturday without thinking about it. I guess we're even now from those days I missed. Happy Monday!
Also, it took me forever to draw the bottom "panel" because I wanted to do it zoomed out so y'all could see the space ship. Turns out I have no idea what their ship looks like. So yeah. That's something.
I know, I missed a few days. I'm a terrible uploader. But the new website is designed, all we have to do is format it and launch it. It looks amazing. It'll be up when my website engineer gets home from college tomorrow and gets access to a computer with photoshop again.
I like Tiah's way of bothering him until he tells her what's wrong.
I'm really sorry a comic didn't get up on Friday. Or Saturday. I tried four times both days and this wouldn't upload It just sat, thinking. By Sunday I had decided that today was closer than Friday for posting this anyway. So here you go. Comic.
His name is Doston. He is a fish. He stores water in his head and uses it to process air to be breathable to him. When he gets thirsty or "dry" his head opens so far it looks like he has an afro. When he's saturated, his head is closed to a point. He sleeps in water all night, enabling him to breathe air all day. Yeah, it's weird.